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There hasn't been much posting on this blog becasue I am trying to move it to the school's website and that involves pretty much building a new blog from scratch. It's about ready, though... but I had to share this with you.
Each year, the school where I teach puts on a huge charity event for disadvantaged families at a sister church near Clay, WV. It's a truly heartwarming thing, seeing a whole school (two whole schools, if you count the grade school) come together to help others. Social work is a big thing in my school, and it always makes me a little teary-eyed to see kids who have so much working to help those who don't -- and they really enjoy it!
I decided to make a little video highlighting this program, and my 6th graders came together to do a neat little stop-motion animation sequence at the beginning of the video. It was hilarious, filming that sequence. Each student had a present to animate, and I would yell "GO!" and they would move the gift a little bit, jump out of the shot, and I would snap the picture. Then I would yell "GO!" and they would do it again. As crazy as it was, it worked really well, and the kids did a great job. I have never laughed so hard, though -- my sides still ache from filming it yesterday.
So, here it is:
This is truly why I love my job. I love my kids, I love the people I work with, and I love the way this school comes together as a community. You just don't find this in every school.
Local artist and Charleston Catholic High School grad Felix Krasyk:
I love his art! I see a definite Picasso influence, with a little Kandinsky thrown in, as well. Makes sense, because he spent time in New York just as those artists were becoming well-known in the USA.
You can see his art at the Purple Moon in Charleston, WV, on Lee St between Summers and Capitol.
Watch all the way to the end for a special guest appearance by Fr. Doug! Congratulations to all the artists on this project. The sculptures are a hit!
Also I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you all that next week is the end of the 9 weeks -- can you believe it? Next Friday is our first portfolio review, and you also need to have your 1-page critique of an art exhibit turned in by then.
Artwalk is conveniently scheduled for next Thursday night (Oct 18th), from 5-8, and I highly recommend that you go. Artwalk is always a good time! If you have already turned in your critique from this nine weeks, you can apply your Artwalk critique to next nine weeks if you like. I will not accept critiques from any shows prior to October 18 for 2nd nine weeks, however, so get them turned in now for extra credit.
Speaking of extra credit, be sure to pick up a scavenger hunt form if you do go to Artwalk.
Of course, if you aren't available to go to Artwalk, there are plenty of venues that are open to the public regularly, so that you can visit and get your critique written on time -- and enjoy the art!
"Dive Into Recycling" by my 2nd period class. These sculptures were inspired by artist Mark Jenkins.
The random body parts strewn around the room garnered a lot of strange responses from my middle schoolers and visitors to the art room.
Here's how it works: 1) wrap victim... er... subject in plastic wrap. 2) Wrap subject in tape, kind of loosely, so you can cut it back off. You need 3-4 layers of quality tape, more if you're using thinner tape. 3) Cut tape layer off in one straight seam (in an inconspicuous place) and carefully peel it off your subject, plastic wrap and all. 4) Tape pieces back together, and stuff with paper, or just leave clear.
This project has been a blast, and has encouraged students to work together as a team -- even those students who are not-so-social. It looks like chaos in my room, but it's been an awesome project to encourage teamwork and creative problem solving -- not to mention all the great discussion about recycling (and getting people to do it!)
I am excited to see the public reaction to our installations! There will be more, so stay tuned...
The inspiration for this project came from portraits by Chuck Close:
"Phil II" by Chuck Close can be seen at the Juliet Museum of Art, the gallery at the Clay Center right here in Charleston, WV. (Bet you didn't know that gallery had a name, did you?) It is part of the museum's permanent collection, so you'll see Phil hanging on the wall from time to time.